Trainers on Demand

NanoCell Networks specializes itself in Telecom Training and in developing best telecom trainers in the industry. NanoCell has the required competence and skills to continuously build the training team according to the market need.

Organizations that are in need of trainers can approach NanoCell Networks for availing trainers on consulting basis. Both senior level and mid-level trainers are offered by NanoCell currently.

We specialize in providing high quality individual and corporate training in the area of cutting edge wireless and network technology like WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, 3G, HSDPA, UMTS, LTE, WiMAX and so on.

Trainers on demand – How it works?
  • Organizations approach NanoCell looking for trainers with specific skill sets
  • NanoCell provides trainers to the organizations for evaluation
  • Trainers are provided to the organization on contract basis
  • Trainers are at the services of organizations during the contract period
For Trainers on demand

Please contact

Telephone: +91-9845199207 (M), +91-80-41712424(O)

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